Sunday, April 20, 2008

The Parsley Dance

Our kids love to eat veggies and fruits, as well as some unusual healthy things. One of their latest favorites thanks to Lincoln is fresh parsley. If they spy a bag of parsley lying around, they ask to eat it right away. They especially like the crunchy stem. I'm really happy about this, since parsley is so beneficial. When Lincoln used to live in Ukraine, he'd buy bunches and bunches of parsley and eat it raw with most meals, just like the natives. Back when we were dating, we were separated for 3 months. I was still working as a nanny in Pittsburgh and he was working in Germany and Ukraine. When we finally met again, I gave him a bunch of parsley as a welcome present. Sort of like a bouquet of flowers. He really liked it and munched it all up on the way home.

I'm happy that we as parents can help the kids to make good diet choices.

Check out the kids' parsley dance video.

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