Sunday, July 26, 2009

Nabucco and Moritz

My sister Eva was so kind to let us ride her horse Nabucco and a little pony called Moritz that stays in the same stable. Thanks Eva, we had a LOT of fun! And even though I'm terribly allergic to horses, it didn't bother me as much this time around...

...partly, because I wore this little contraption. I think I might try allergy shots before going again.
Luca on Nabucco.
The kids patiently waiting their turn. Bike helmets for safety reasons...I knew a woman who fell off a horse not wearing a helmet and died soon after. I won't let the kids ride without a helmet.
My mom helping out with the kiddos.
Lincoln was great at guiding the animals...

...but when it came to riding Nabucco, he seemed too tall for the horse. It looked quite funny, though the picture doesn't capture it. I think we might have a video somewhere. Hi hi...
Tante Eva and Ava riding on Nabucco on another day.
Leea riding on Moritz.
Luca and Moritz.
Noa found a perfect spot for digging. What would Noa do without any dirt? Pretty soon the other kids joined him. I guess they needed some serious relaxation after the horse ride.
After the fun comes the clean up...starting with horse poop...
... and then the hoofs.

The boys even got to ride on the tractor.

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